Located in Centro Tierra Sierra Gorda, our gift shop features some of the most popular pieces from the micro-enterprises that we support.

You will find:

  • Embroidered clothing and homewares from La Colgada
  • Natural skincare products and remedies from Doña Vale
  • Kitchen and decorative ceramics from Las Mariposas
  • Honey and honey products from La Abeja Orgánica

Visit us and support small micro-enterprises in the Sierra Gorda.


Facilities of the Sierra Gorda Alliance. Av. La Presa s/n, 76340 Jalpan de Serra, Qro.

Sierra Gorda Products

Sierra Gorda  Products is another initiative developed by Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda. Its objective is to provide local communities with necessary resources to escape poverty without negatively impacting the Biosphere Reserve.

Communities need sustainable alternatives to replace traditional activities such as high-impact agriculture, cattle ranching, logging, hunting and other destructive practices. We turn traditional skills and talents of the local groups into profitable micro-enterprises, allowing their members to directly benefit from the profits.

These micro-enterprises provide some of the Mexico’s poorest families with a much-needed income. More importantly, they represent an opportunity for the local women to become self-sufficient and have a say in the financial matters affecting them.